10 December 2021

Courtesy of the Tannery Next Door


  • The cow can come home now, as this ridiculous slimebag leaves Congress for a job in which he'll get paid even more to lie (at least until he pisses off the boss). Of course, we're talking about the Central Valley here — the probability of getting someone with both brains and ethics as a replacement is about the same as for an unexpected vacancy on the Chicago City Council. (That's a comment what both parties select for more than anything else.)
  • At that, he's got better ethics than the asshole who wrote this misleading headline (and the assholes who wrote the underlying report). "Millions of incorrect copyright claims"? If one skips down to the second paragraph, one discovers that "millions" means "2.2 million"… an error rate, out of 729 million claims, not of "less than 1 percent" but of 0.3%.

    It would actually be much more valuable if the article (and the report) distinguished between pure audio basis and audiovisual basis. That, however, is not what anyone really wants to talk about.

  • Or the City (an appellation that, interestingly, referred to Istanbul at the height of Ottoman corruption). As bad as Wall Street is/can be, with all of the Maxwell's Daemons masquerading as hedge-fund managers, the City is worse — and has been for over three decades. Even the Grauniad has been slow to catch on; can I just whisper "Robert Maxwell was very, very average" and leave it at that?
  • OK, I can't leave it at that. Time for a few drinks at a dubious club. Followed by a few more drinks at an even more dubious club. And the, perhaps, time for something that probably doesn't work (a conclusion that I reached watching its woeful success rate among military members and their families). To the extent that addiction is a "disease," it can be treated in isolation with little more probability of long-term success than just giving a few good meals to victims of kwashiorkor. And to the extent that there's an actual biochemical issue, less than that.