09 March 2019


Capt Carol Danvers, USAF, is a social justice warrior. That's not much of a surprise, is it, dudebros and white supremacists and fundamentalists-of-all-religions? All that warrioring keeps her from smiling like an aspiring cheerleader. So you've driven down a movie rating without seeing it.

So am I. I don't smile much… especially around dudebros. And white supremacists. And fundamentalists of all religions.

So was George S. Patton. He didn't smile much, either, around anyone.

Wait a minute, I hear you whinge from across the 'net and through your podcasts and ad-supported YouTube channels. George Patton sure as hell wasn't an SJW!

Yes he was; all three of us were; thousands in uniform were and are. Everyone who gives a solemn oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic… before promising to obey the lawful orders of the President and the officers appointed over them… is a social justice warrior. Whether by the measure of the eighteenth century or the twenty-first, a document that separates government so that no one branch of government is primary; that guarantees every person the equal protection of the law; that guarantees every criminal defendant the right to a fair trial, and if it's a serious matter before a jury of the defendant's peers; that rejects titles and trappings of nobility; that guarantees the right to freely worship (or not, and I know that last is a sticking point for some of you jerks) — is a bloody social justice manifesto. And that's just a start.

Sure, the commissioned officer corps has had its failures and flaws, ranging from Douglas expletive-deleted MacArthur through Curtis LeMay to more recent examples. But then, dudebros, some of your kind have turned on you, too.

Most of us don't smile too much. Probably because we know all too well that our oaths have put us in harm's way, and required us to order others into harm's way, precisely so that you dudebros can continue to spew your poison (without having played the game or paid the price yourselves — not always as high as lives, fortunes, or sacred honor; maybe just a few years as a low-paid citizen soldier). That you have the right and ability to criticize SJWs is due to the sacrifices of SJWs in the past quarter of a millennium. So don't expect us to smile about it when you attack us or our families or our very reason for being SJWs in the first place. Or our entertainment and freedom of speech.