- Especially if one has a really, really sick sense of humor. Consider this "book review" of two insufficiently orthodox anticreationist books, and Professor Myers' continued riff. The real problem is that they're all missing the point: Science and religion are not universal answers; in fact, no method of reasoning is a universal answer, not even formal mathematics (consider non-Euclidean geometry and imaginary numbers as just starting points). I come down on science's side most of the time particularly in this debate, if only on Occam's Razor grounds (a system involving internal evolution from an arbitrary starting point is a lot less complex than a system imagining a "creation" that necessarily denies both time and thermodynamics) but not every judgment is, or can be, scientific, if only because many judgments must be made on the basis of insufficient/unknowable information.
Now juxtapose that with Judge Gettleman's quite proper trashing of a "minute of silence" law (passed by wingnuts from Northwest Redneckistan).
- The Grauniad has been running a series on 1000 novels "everyone must read before they die", with quite a few interesting selections... and, of course, quite a few omissions. I'll freely admit to some sense of literary snobbery. OK, I'll freely admit to quite a bit of literary snobbery. And, thus, I find the list about one-third satisfactory. Admittedly, that's about 300 novels more than W has read, but still...
And then there's the sadly amusing. Including the all-too-accurate depiction of Your Republican Party's Post-Election Activities below. As Orwell said, "Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past." Which, of course, links right back into the first item above.
<SARCASM> I, however, am not a member of either the Inner or the Outer Party, so what would I know about how that works? </SARCASM>
Law and reality in publishing and entertainment (seldom the same thing) from the creator's side of the slush pile, with occasional forays into politics, military affairs, censorship and the First Amendment, legal theory, and anything else that strikes me as interesting. |
24 January 2009
Saturday Sausage Platter
It's been a relatively quiet couple of days, aside from bloviation over various award nominations (mostly from cretins who refuse to accept context as significant) and working on a couple of behind-the-scenes filings to help out a colleague. But that does not mean there is no amusement to be had...