04 November 2003

Sometimes the ignorance of people with self-interested positions gets really astounding. Consider, for example, this statement, in response to Illinois state legislation that would allow decertification of police officers for committing perjury in a capital trial (or presumably investigation) without a criminal conviction of the officer for perjury:

"There's no other profession, licensed or certified in Illinois, that's held to a lesser standard of proof in criminal accusations," a distinction police officers should not hold, said Mark Donahue, president of the Chicago lodge of the Fraternal Order of Police.

Can you say "ignorant bastard" three times fast? I can name at least three professions in Illinois that could be held to such a standard:

  1. Lawyers. A pattern of misleading tribunals as to controlling law or the underlying facts of a case can result in sanctions, suspension, or even disbarment.    
  2. Doctors. A pattern of knowingly false certifications of insurance "statements of need" can result in censure, suspension, or loss of medical license.    
  3. Military officers (some of whom are stationed in Illinois, or are Illinois residents). Don't even get me started on this one.

   What a dork. Since what he has made is a false statement, perhaps we need to inquire into whether it was a knowingly false statement made in an attempt to influence the legislative process…