09 August 2008

The Hugo Awards

Congratulations to the (literary) Hugo and officially-not-a-Hugo recipients, announced earlier this evening.

  • Mary Robinette Kowal received the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer... which marks the first time in quite a while that a sitting SFWA officer (she just began her term as Secretary a month ago) has won a Hugo. OK, it's officially not a Hugo, but it's still quite an accomplishment, and a disturbing indication of SFWA's historical inability to convince some of the right people to run for office.
  • Michael Chabon received the Best Novel Hugo for The Yiddish Policemen's Union.
  • Connie Willis received the Best Novella Hugo (17,500–40,000 words) for "All Seated on the Ground."
  • Ted Chiang received the Best Novelette Hugo (7,500–17,500 words) for "The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate."
  • Elizabeth Bear received the Best Short Story Hugo for "Tideline."
  • Stephen Moffat (writer) and Hettie Macdonald (director) received the Best Dramatic Presentation (Short Form) Hugo for the episode "Blink" of Doctor Who.
  • Jane Goldman (writer) and Matthew Vaughn (writer and director) received the Best Dramatic Presentation (Long Form) Hugo for Stardust.

Congratulations to the winners. That means they won't get to go to the best party at WorldCon: the Hugo Losers' Party, from which the winners are ostentatiously excluded. They don't even get in if they lost in one category but won another...

And congratulations to Jay Lake for apparently not having the loudest Hawaiian print shirt of anyone up on stage... reports indicate that David Hartwell upstaged him, albeit without the Campbell Tiara.